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Brand Concept

Brand positioning

The global leader of the commercial vehicle axle and parts manufacturers

Brand vision:

To bethe globally creditable world-class enterprise with unique value creativity 

Brand interpretation

Globally creditable: Fuwa Group is committed to continuously meet the diversified demandof the customers in all-round respects concerning the product, technology,services and solutions, standing in the perspective of the customer’s point, tocontinuously produce more globally competitive products, enhance the marketcompetitiveness of the customer; To help the users at home and abroad toimprove efficiency, reduce operating costs, to win the trust of the world.

Uniquevalue creativity: take the advantage of our experience, speed, innovation, qualityand competitive manufacturing mode to produce more high quality products withglobal competitiveness.

World-class enterprise: Build Fuwa Group to be a world-class enterprise with the perspective of technology,research and development, quality, service, management and  brand influence. 



Operation Philosophy

  • Customer Focus
  • Openness and Honesty
  • Responsiveness and Agility
  • Quality
  • Simplicity

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